Wednesday, February 22, 2012

can we make adults go to school?

     Can we make adults go to school? Probably not. Perhaps if they are in prison, but I'm not sure that the prisons have the capacity to test for literacy, or to force remedial schooling on the incarcerated. If the prisons do not have the capacity to test for literacy and enforce attendance in class, they should be given the capacity. If they do have the capacity to test for literacy and enforce class attendance, they are failing miserably.
     People spend 10 years in jail, and re-enter society completely illiterate. People spend 10 years ( or 20 years ) in jail and still can't tell time when they get out--or make a sandwich, or tie their shoes, or catch a bus, or use the laundromat. They can't eat anything but takeout--they don't know how.
     If we're not spending money to teach basic literacy and life skills to prisoners, let's spend it. If we are spending the money, let's find out what the prisons are doing with it.

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