Friday, October 21, 2011

name corrector?

     Twice in the past few weeks I have had my name "corrected" by some sort of a program. I was styled "dear oilmen" by one e-mailer, and the other actually changed my name to a more common, but similar, name. These were people who were using my name as I had written it to them on a contact form--not people who heard it over the phone.  To make it more plain, my name is Eileen, and the email called me Elaine. Oilmen may have been a similar attempt to correct what a program--I tend to refer to this as a machine--decided was my own misspelling of my name. I now have to wonder if people who "got" my name wrong in person were also attempting to correct me--as in perhaps I didn't have my own name right. This hasn't happened in some years, but it used to be difficult to conceal how annoyed I was when anyone made an error like this. Spelling my name wrong didn't bother me--but calling a roll and "changing" my name did.
    If this is a program, it is not a useful one. I cancelled "Elaine's" subscription, and "oilmen's", too.

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