Friday, October 28, 2011

health benefits and insurance

     People who work, but who do not have any insurance benefits from their employers, are paying taxes to provide insurance benefits to others. They are paying for insurance benefits for every state, local, and government employee. They are paying, one way and another, when they pay for the services, or buy the products, of any business concern that does provide health insurance benefits--it's part of the cost of goods or services. They are even paying, through taxes--federal, state, and local--for health insurance benefits and health care for all of the people in prison, on probation, and on welfare. When they need to go to a doctor themselves, they may not be able to afford it.
     Health benefits should be universal. They could be provided by every employer, and the cost of some goods and services would go up--reflecting more realistically the actual cost of those goods and services. Or, health benefits could be provided by the government, as in some other countries--a national health program that would probably put private health insurance out of business.

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