Friday, August 17, 2012

voter ID

     How about a joint program to help people without ID's obtain them before election day? They ought to have them anyway, and there's still plenty of time. They will need a Social Security card, a birth certificate and  ( 2 ) proofs of residency, such  as a piece of mail addressed to them or a W-2 form. If the applicant doesn't have a piece of mail, send him or her one.A birth certificate can take weeks, so the time to send for one is now. The fee is $10, sent to the Division of Vital Records of the State of Pennsylvania. There is an online application for this, to speed things up.
     A Social Security card can be obtained at the Social Security office. The applicant will need a birth certificate and other ID, preferably photo ID, such as a school or employee ID. Social Security cards don't cost anything, but you may spend a few hours in the Social Security office. A Social Security card is required for employment, so everyone needs one anyway.
     For the  state-issued ID, the applicant will need a $13.50 fee and perhaps transportation to the driver's license facility.  The ID process takes an afternoon or a morning, including getting to the facility and back. The person leaves with a state-issued ID card, not a driver's license. The ID card is as good as a driver's license for identification at the bank or anyplace that asks for an ID. So why not get moving?

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