Thursday, March 8, 2012

when I run the world

     When I run the world,  all school students will all learn how to argue. Yes, argue. They will learn to stick to the point. They will learn to listen to those with whom they disagree, since that's the only way to construct a valid argument of their own. They will learn not to get personal, or to call their opponents names, since that is illogical and weakens their argument. They will learn to define their own point of view, and explain why they hold it. They will learn to clearly state their differences. They will learn not to be sidetracked by emotion--whether the emotion is their own or their opponent's. They will learn what is relevant to their argument, and what is irrelevant. They will practice what they have learned, and practice it thoroughly.
      If we really need to have academic "competition", let's do it by having all students participate--by arguing with one another.

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