Tuesday, January 3, 2012

let's make it a group effort

     Those of us who believe that the Earth is round need to make more of an effort to persuade those who disagree. They ( the flat earth society ) have a web site. Maybe we could have one, too. I found one list of the top ten reasons people believe the Earth is round, but I had already tried them. There's geometry, but people who believe that the Earth is flat may not be persuaded by a geometrical proof. There's my grandpop, who spent most of his life afloat as a merchant ship's officer, but he's dead now. Grandpop never actually circumnavigated the globe in one voyage, but even if he had, the flat-earthers have a theory for that--the theory being that he was only sailing around in circles on a pancake-shaped earth. The pictures of earth taken from space haven't worked, either, although some flat-earthers now concede that the Earth may be a two-sided pancake. The people on the underside are Australians, or trolls, or maybe hobbits.

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