Tuesday, November 1, 2011

what was the question?

    When my daughter, now grown, was about 10 years old, she once looked up from her homework and asked "Mom, is the answer 4?"  What a cosmically weird question. 4 is the answer to so many things. According to the author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", 4 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything--oops, spoiler. 4 is the answer to-- how many legs does a cow have? or a table ?(usually) or any quadruped? --what is 6-2?, and infinite mathematical variations on that theme-- how many years between Olympics? or leap years?  4 may be the answer to how old are you?--or how many pieces of pizza are left? It can be the answer to so many things. I began to see what Douglas Adams saw in 4 as a universal answer. But what was the question?

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